
Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Paralympics games

If I were asked to compete in a tandem cycling event for the Paralympics and I had to choose one person to compete with I would choose my Aunty Shanelle because she taught me how to ride a bike 

C:\Users\rwil313\Desktop\Paraclycing team (NZ).jpg

Friday, 26 August 2016

Be the change

For Digi Awards we Lily, Matua and I (Nyesha), did Digital Art. We created an animation. Our Animation shows Be The Change because the boy is helping the girl. We had to work together. We learned how to group objects so that they moved together in each slide. The hardest thing was moving the objects around because at first we didn't know how to do it. We took turns at working on different slides. We want to Be The Change by getting people to helps others when they need it.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Olympic reading day 3

Activity 2

Milo of kroton facts- milo of kroton was a 6th century BC
he carried a bull on his shoulder and to have a burst a band about his forehead by inflating his veins
brilliant wrestling career
Image result for milo of kroton carrying a bull

Monday, 8 August 2016

Olympic reading

Activity 1

I was competing in the Ancient Olympics I would compete in the running event. I would do the diaulos which is a middle distance race of two lengths of the stadium. I would choose this event because i'm really fast in running
C:\Users\rwil313\Desktop\Image - Stadium (Ancient Olympics).jpg 

Friday, 5 August 2016

Goal setting

we are learning goal settings here is mine