
Wednesday, 3 April 2019


salt Sodium Chloride

lemon juicecitrus

sugarglucoseImage result for sugarsolid
vinegaracetic acidImage result for vinegargas
lemonade bubblesCarbon dioxideImage result for lemonade bubblesliquid
onion gas
Image result for oniongas
baking sodaSodium bicarbonateImage result for baking soda baking sodagas
milkenzymes, vitamins, phospholipidsImage result for milkgas
cornflowermaize starchImage result for corn floursolid
bananapotassiumImage result for bananasolid
Today I learned that in salt is a chemical called sodium chloride and it is a solid
In lemon juice there is a chemical called citrus and it liquid
In sugar there is a chemical called glucose and its solid
In vinegar there is a chemical called acetic acid
In lemon bubbles there is a chemical called carbon dioxide
In onion gas there is a chemical named syn-propanethial-S-oxide and it is a gas
In baking soda there is a chemical called sodium bicarbonate and it is a gas
In milk there is enzymes, vitamins, phospholipids and its a gas
In cornflower there is something called maize starch its a solid
In banana there is something called potassium its a solid

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